pw, 3. Juni 2008, 11:24 Uhr

Nikon Capture NX auf dem nächsten Punkt

Nikon Capture NX 2.0Nikon bringt die nächste Version seiner RAW-Konverter- und Workflow-Software, Nikon Capture NX 2.0, auf den Markt. Mit der Nik-Software basierte U-Point Technologie kann nun insgesamt 26 verschiedene Parameter auf individuelle Bildbereiche anwenden. Und wie seit kürzlich auch Apple’s Aperture und die Adobe Betaversion von Lightroom beherrscht Nikon’s Capture NX nun auch den lokalen Einsatz von Retouche und Stempelfunktionen.

Eine Auswahl der Neuigkeiten, welche Capture NX mit sich bringt:

  • Die Erweiterung der U-Point Technologie auf 26 verschiedene Einstellungen, mit welcher dank einfachem Platzieren eines Auswahlpunktes Bildregionen für die Korrektur bestimmt werden.
  • Automatische Retouche zur Beseitigung kleiner Details wie Hautunreinheiten, Staubpartikel und ähnlichem.
  • Schatten-/Lichterkorrektur.
  • Eine konfigurierbare Oberfläche.
  • Ein Filter-, Rating- und Sortier-System zur Bildverwaltung.
  • Bearbeitete Resultate können nun direkt im NEF-Bildformat gespeichert werden, auch wenn diese ursprünglich von einer JPEG-Datei stammen. Wünschen würde man sich hier natürlich noch die Unterstützung des DNG Formates.

Erhältlich ist Capture NX 2.0 ab dem 20. Juni zu einem Preis von € 199.- (Upgrade € 119.-; Preis in CHF noch nicht bekannt).

Link zur Nikon Capture NX 2.0 Produkteseite.
Eine 60-Tage Testversion kann hier bezogen werden.

Original Pressemitteilung in Englisch:

Nikon Introduces Next Generation Image-Editing Software

Capture NX2: more powerful and easier to use

Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 03 June 2008 – Nikon Europe is pleased to announce the introduction of its new image-editing software, Capture NX2. As an upgraded version of the proven Capture NX that was introduced in 2006, Capture NX2 is even more powerful and easier to use. It is intended for all photographers looking to achieve quick and comfortable image enhancements with intuitive operation.

In addition to the acclaimed Color Control Point, the new version offers Selection Control Point, enabling users to apply enhancements such as Unsharp Mask and D-Lighting to a specific area that is immediately viewable on the monitor. Using the Auto Retouch Brush, one can simply apply mouse strokes to clear away specks (caused by dust when an image is shot) that appear on the image. To fill a traced area, the software detects and applies the most appropriate portion to deliver the most natural image. Workspaces based on assumed workflow and an improved Edit List further enhance efficient operation and expanded expression.

Ludovic Drean, Product Manager Software at Nikon Europe B.V.: “Having received so much valuable feedback from our customers using Capture NX, we developed a new generation that has the maturity to satisfy any demanding photographer who will get amazing and effortless results without comprising quality.”

Major New Features

Selection Control Point
Apply enhancements such as Unsharp Mask or D-Lighting to a specific area with just a click of the mouse. The Selection Control Point recognizes the areas the user wants to modify. It can be used with virtually any image enhancement tool, including D-Lighting, Brightness, Color, Focus, Correction, and Noise Reduction.

Auto Retouch Brush
To achieve more natural-looking results, Auto Retouch Brush lets you remove specks of dust photographed on an image with just a mouse click and stroke to match the surrounding color and tones. It removes facial blemishes, imperfections on flowers, or other unwanted objects within the frame.

Shadow/Highlight Adjustments
The slider easily adjusts shadowy areas and highlighted areas. Alternatively, shadows and highlights can be altered by directly typing a value into the textbox.

The new software offers four workspaces: Browser, Metadata, Multi-Purpose and Edit, with easy switching between workspaces for window composition. Workspaces can be saved with a palette layout and reopened later. There are also various customizable shortcuts.

Quick Fix
This is a combination of frequently used tools including Level and Tone Curve, Exposure Compensation, Contrast, Highlight Protection, Shadow Protection and Saturation in a single window. For high efficiency, Quick Fix processes multiple tasks and uses image-processing steps of each function to adjust details. Simultaneous opening of multiple settings Multiple image processing settings can be used at the same time to make parallel process adjustments of multiple details.

Label/Rating support (XMP)
The new software supports nine kinds of labeling and five levels of ratings according to XMP, a metadata industry standard. It is compatible with ViewNX, Adobe Bridge, and Windows Vista and capable of filter sorting by label and rating.

In addition to these new features, Capture NX2 has further enhanced its tried-and-tested features to create Nikon’s most efficient and most effective image processing software to date. Capture NX2 is compatible with both Windows Vista and XP and Macintosh OS X (version 10.4.11, 10.5.2).

Pricing and availability
Capture NX2 will be available as of 20 June 2008 for a suggested retail price of €199 at retail and on-line ( for €199. Owners of previous versions of Capture NX can upgrade to Capture NX2 for just €119.


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