Markus Zitt, 28. September 2012, 12:03 Uhr

Sony beteiligt sich an Olympus

Nun doch: Wie Sony auf ihrer globalen Website meldet, beteiligt sich Sony an der (u.a. durch einen Bilanzskandal) angeschlagenen Olympus und wird mit einem Anteil von 11,46 % deren grösster Aktionär. 

Sony steigt bei der durch einen Skandal um gefälschte Bilanzen angeschlagenen Olympus finanziell ein und investiert rund 50 Mrd. Yen (600 Mio. CHF) um vor allem ihre Position in der Medizintechnik, aber auch die Stellung im Kameramarkt zu verbessern. Zudem sichert sich Sony mit dieser Massnahme einen Stimmrechtsanteil von 11,46% und wird somit zum grössten Olympus-Aktionär. Im Gegenzug, dass Sony ihre Medizinsparte ausbauen kann, dürfte Olympus sich die Lieferung von Sensoren von Sony sichern. Weiter ist im Dezember die Gründung eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens für Medizintechnik geplant, an welchem Sony die Mehrheitsbeteiligung besitzt. Wie sich die Kooperation auf die bestehenden Kamerasortimente der beiden Marken auswirkt, steht noch nicht fest, zumal die Sony- und Olympus-Niederlassungen in Europa bisher noch keine offiziellen Stellungnahmen zur Beteiligung von Sony an Olympus abgaben.


Sony Global: Ankündigung mit offizieller Mitteilung als PDF zum Download


Hier der Anfang der originalen Pressemitteilung:

 Olympus Corporation / Sony Corporation

Announcement of Agreements Between Olympus and Sony to Form Business and Capital Alliance

Olympus Corporation (“Olympus”) and Sony Corporation (“Sony”) today announced that the two companies have entered into a business alliance agreement (the “business alliance agreement”) and a capital alliance agreement (the “capital alliance agreement”) through a third-party allotment of Olympus’s common shares to Sony.


Comment from Hiroyuki Sasa, Representative Director and President, Olympus Corporation

“In line with its medium-term vision announced in June 2012, Olympus has been pushing to enhance its financial strength and weighing the possibility of a business and capital tie-up for greater business synergy in the core business domains of medical and imaging. In this regard, we have decided to form a businessand capital alliance with Sony, which is strong in image sensors and other image-related technologies. Partnering with Sony will provide great advantage to Olympus and enable the two companies to exchange various complementary competencies. Investment from Sony will help strengthen our financial base. In addition, through this alliance, the strengths of the two companies will merge, certainly making it possible for Olympus to contribute to world medical progress by developing a variety of new medical devices that would not be possible by Olympus alone. In the field of digital cameras, we will seek to achieve collaboration in a manner that further improves the competitiveness of the two companies.”


Comment from Kazuo Hirai, President and CEO, Sony Corporation

“As part of our strategic initiatives announced in April 2012, at Sony we are aggressively pursuing the growth of our medical business, with the aim of developing it into a key pillar of our overall business portfolio.The business and capital alliances we have agreed with Olympus today will be integral to these plans. By combining Sony’s cutting-edge technologies in areas such as digital imaging, 3D and 4K* with Olympus’s long-standing experience and established foundations in the medical market, we believe that we will be able to create highly innovative and competitive products and generate new business opportunities in surgical endoscopes and other related areas where significant future growth is anticipated. We also believe there are many potential opportunities for collaboration between Olympus and Sony’s digital camera businesses, and are confident that by building on our respective strengths we can also enhance and grow our presence in this market. All of us at Sony will spare no effort to ensure that the business and capital alliances, including Sony’s investment in Olympus, will be a resounding success for both companies.”

*4K: More than four timesresolution of Full HD. 4196 (H) x 2160

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